All possible environment variable configurations for Testcontainers are found here.
Variable | Example | Description |
DEBUG | testcontainers* | Enable all logs |
DEBUG | testcontainers | Enable testcontainers logs |
DEBUG | testcontainers:containers | Enable container logs |
DEBUG | testcontainers:compose | Enable compose logs |
DEBUG | testcontainers:build | Enable build logs |
DEBUG | testcontainers:pull | Enable pull logs |
DEBUG | testcontainers:exec | Enable container exec logs |
Note that you can enable multiple loggers, e.g: DEBUG=testcontainers,testcontainers:exec
Configuration of the Docker daemon:
Variable | Example | Description |
DOCKER_HOST | tcp://docker:2375 | Set the URL of the docker daemon |
DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY | 1 | Enable/disable TLS communication with the docker daemon |
DOCKER_CERT_PATH | /some/path | Configures the path to the files used for TLS verification |
DOCKER_CONFIG | /some/path | Configures the path to the config.json file for authentication |
DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG | {"auths":{"":{"username":"","password":""}}} |
JSON string representation of the config.json file, takes precedence for authentication |
Configuration of Testcontainers and its behaviours:
Variable | Example | Description |
TESTCONTAINERS_HOST_OVERRIDE | tcp://docker:2375 | Docker's host on which ports are exposed |
TESTCONTAINERS_DOCKER_SOCKET_OVERRIDE | /var/run/docker.sock | Path to Docker's socket used by ryuk |
TESTCONTAINERS_RYUK_PRIVILEGED | true | Run ryuk as a privileged container |
TESTCONTAINERS_RYUK_PORT | 65515 | Set ryuk host port (not recommended) |
TESTCONTAINERS_SSHD_PORT | 65515 | Set SSHd host port (not recommended) |
TESTCONTAINERS_HUB_IMAGE_NAME_PREFIX | | Set default image registry |
RYUK_CONTAINER_IMAGE | testcontainers/ryuk:0.5.1 | Custom image for ryuk |
SSHD_CONTAINER_IMAGE | testcontainers/sshd:1.1.0 | Custom image for SSHd |
TESTCONTAINERS_REUSE_ENABLE | true | Enable reusable containers |