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MinIO Module

MinIO is a high performance object storage solution. It is API compatible with the Amazon S3 cloud storage service and can handle unstructured data such as photos, videos, log files, backups, and container images


npm install @testcontainers/minio --save-dev


it("should connect and upload a file", async () => {
  const container = await new MinioContainer().start();

  const minioClient = new minio.Client({
    endPoint: container.getHost(),
    port: container.getPort(),
    useSSL: false,
    accessKey: "minioadmin",
    secretKey: "minioadmin",

  // Upload dummy test file.
  const testFile = `${__dirname}/dummy-file.txt`;

  await minioClient.makeBucket("test-bucket");
  await minioClient.fPutObject("test-bucket", "minio-test-file.txt", testFile);

  // Verify upload
  const objectExists = await minioClient
    .statObject("test-bucket", "minio-test-file.txt")
    .then(() => true)
    .catch(() => false);


  await container.stop();
it("should work with custom credentials", async () => {
  const container = await new MinioContainer().withUsername("AzureDiamond").withPassword("hunter2!").start();

  const minioClient = new minio.Client({
    endPoint: container.getHost(),
    port: container.getPort(),
    useSSL: false,
    accessKey: "AzureDiamond",
    secretKey: "hunter2!",

  // Create a bucket.
  await minioClient.makeBucket("test-bucket");

  // Verify bucket.
  const bucketExits = await minioClient.bucketExists("test-bucket");


  await container.stop();