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MS SQL Server Module

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. It provides a platform for efficiently storing, managing, and retrieving structured data. MSSQL offers features for data storage, retrieval, manipulation, and analysis, making it a key component in various applications ranging from small-scale projects to enterprise-level systems.


npm install @testcontainers/mssqlserver --save-dev


EULA Acceptance

Due to licencing restrictions you are required to accept an EULA for this container image. To indicate that you accept the MS SQL Server image EULA, call the acceptLicense() method.

Please see the [`microsoft-mssql-server` image documentation]( for a link to the EULA document.
it("should connect and return a query result", async () => {
  const container = await new MSSQLServerContainer().acceptLicense().start();

  const sqlConfig: config = {
    user: container.getUsername(),
    password: container.getPassword(),
    database: container.getDatabase(),
    server: container.getHost(),
    port: container.getPort(),
    pool: {
      max: 1,
      min: 0,
      idleTimeoutMillis: 30000,
    options: {
      trustServerCertificate: true,

  const connection = await sql.connect(sqlConfig);

  const { recordset } = await connection.query`SELECT 1;`;
  expect(recordset).toStrictEqual([{ "": 1 }]);

  await connection.close();
  await container.stop();

  const container = await new MSSQLServerContainer().acceptLicense().start();

  const connectionString = container.getConnectionUri();
  const connection = await sql.connect(connectionString);

  const { recordset } = await connection.query`SELECT 1;`;
  expect(recordset).toStrictEqual([{ "": 1 }]);

  await connection.close();
  await container.stop();


  const container = await new MSSQLServerContainer().acceptLicense().withPassword("I!@M#$eCur3").start();

  const connectionString = container.getConnectionUri();
  const connection = await sql.connect(connectionString);

  const { recordset } = await connection.query`SELECT 1;`;
  expect(recordset).toStrictEqual([{ "": 1 }]);

  await connection.close();
  await container.stop();
it("should connect and return a query result with database URI", async () => {
  const container = await new MSSQLServerContainer().acceptLicense().start();

  const connectionString = container.getConnectionUri();
  const connection = await sql.connect(connectionString);

  const { recordset } = await connection.query`SELECT 1;`;
  expect(recordset).toStrictEqual([{ "": 1 }]);

  await connection.close();
  await container.stop();
it("should connect and return a query result with valid custom password", async () => {
  const container = await new MSSQLServerContainer().acceptLicense().withPassword("I!@M#$eCur3").start();

  const connectionString = container.getConnectionUri();
  const connection = await sql.connect(connectionString);

  const { recordset } = await connection.query`SELECT 1;`;
  expect(recordset).toStrictEqual([{ "": 1 }]);

  await connection.close();
  await container.stop();

it("should throw error with invalid password", async () => {
  const container = new MSSQLServerContainer().acceptLicense().withPassword("password");
  await expect(container.start()).rejects.toThrow(
    Error('Log stream ended and message "/.*Recovery is complete.*/" was not received')
it("should throw error with invalid password", async () => {
  const container = new MSSQLServerContainer().acceptLicense().withPassword("password");
  await expect(container.start()).rejects.toThrow(
    Error('Log stream ended and message "/.*Recovery is complete.*/" was not received')
it("should start db with express edition", async () => {
  const container = await new MSSQLServerContainer()
    .withWaitForMessage(/.*Attribute synchronization manager initialized*/)
    .withEnvironment({ MSSQL_PID: "Express" })

  const { output, exitCode } = await container.exec([

  expect(output).toContain("Express Edition");

  await container.stop();