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Redis Module

Redis The open source, in-memory data store used by millions of developers as a database, cache, streaming engine, and message broker.


npm install @testcontainers/redis --save-dev


it("should connect and execute set-get", async () => {
  const container = await new RedisContainer().start();

  const client = await connectTo(container);

  await client.set("key", "val");
  expect(await client.get("key")).toBe("val");

  await client.disconnect();
  await container.stop();
async function connectTo(container: StartedRedisContainer) {
  const client = createClient({
    url: container.getConnectionUrl(),
  await client.connect();
  return client;
it("should start with credentials and login", async () => {
  const password = "testPassword";

  // Test authentication
  const container = await new RedisContainer().withPassword(password).start();

  const client = await connectTo(container);

  await client.set("key", "val");
  expect(await client.get("key")).toBe("val");

  await client.disconnect();
  await container.stop();
it("should reconnect with volume and persistence data", async () => {
  const sourcePath = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), "redis-"));
  const container = await new RedisContainer().withPassword("test").withPersistence(sourcePath).start();
  let client = await connectTo(container);

  await client.set("key", "val");
  await client.disconnect();
  await container.restart();
  client = await connectTo(container);
  expect(await client.get("key")).toBe("val");

  await client.disconnect();
  await container.stop();
  try {
    fs.rmSync(sourcePath, { force: true, recursive: true });
  } catch (e) {
    //Ignore clean up, when have no access on fs.
it("should execute container cmd and return the result", async () => {
  const container = await new RedisContainer().start();

  const queryResult = await container.executeCliCmd("info", ["clients"]);

  await container.stop();