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Toxiproxy Module

Testcontainers module for Shopify's Toxiproxy. This TCP proxy can be used to simulate network failure conditions.

You can simulate network failures:

  • between NodeJS code and containers, ideal for testing resilience features of client code
  • between containers, for testing resilience and emergent behaviour of multi-container systems
  • if desired, between NodeJS code/containers and external resources (non-Dockerized!), for scenarios where not all dependencies can be/have been dockerized

Testcontainers Toxiproxy support allows resilience features to be easily verified as part of isolated dev/CI testing. This allows earlier testing of resilience features, and broader sets of failure conditions to be covered.


npm install @testcontainers/toxiproxy --save-dev

Usage example

A Toxiproxy container can be placed in between test code and a container, or in between containers. In either scenario, it is necessary to create a ToxiProxyContainer instance on the same Docker network.

Next, it is necessary to instruct Toxiproxy to start proxying connections. Each ToxiProxyContainer can proxy to many target containers if necessary.

A proxy is created by calling createProxy on the ToxiProxyContainer instance.

The client connecting to the proxied endpoint then needs to use the exposed port from the returned proxy.

All of this is done as follows:

it("Should create a proxy to an endpoint", async () => {
  const containerNetwork = await new Network().start();
  const redisContainer = await new GenericContainer("redis:7.2")

  const toxiproxyContainer = await new ToxiProxyContainer().withNetwork(containerNetwork).start();

  // Create the proxy between Toxiproxy and Redis
  const redisProxy = await toxiproxyContainer.createProxy({
    name: "redis",
    upstream: "redis:6379",

  const url = `redis://${}:${redisProxy.port}`;
  const client = await connectTo(url);
  await client.set("key", "val");
  expect(await client.get("key")).toBe("val");

  await client.disconnect();
  await toxiproxyContainer.stop();
  await redisContainer.stop();


Currently, ToxiProxyContainer will reserve 31 ports, starting at 8666. After this, trying to create a new proxy instance will throw an error.

Having done all of this, it is possible to trigger failure conditions ('Toxics') through the proxy.instance.addToxic<TPClient.TOXIC_TYPE>() object:

TPClient is the internal toxiproxy-node-client re-exported in this package.

  • bandwidth - Limit a connection to a maximum number of kilobytes per second.
  • latency - Add a delay to all data going through the proxy. The delay is equal to latency +/- jitter.
  • slicer - Slices TCP data up into small bits, optionally adding a delay between each sliced "packet".
  • slow_close - Delay the TCP socket from closing until delay milliseconds has elapsed.
  • timeout - Stops all data from getting through, and closes the connection after timeout. If timeout is 0, the connection won't close, and data will be delayed until the toxic is removed.
  • limit_data - Closes connection when transmitted data exceeded limit.
  • reset_peer - Simulate TCP RESET (Connection reset by peer) on the connections

Please see the Toxiproxy documentation and the toxiproxy-node-client for full details on the available Toxics.

As one example, we can introduce latency and random jitter to proxied connections as follows:

it("Should add a toxic to a proxy and then remove", async () => {
  const containerNetwork = await new Network().start();
  const redisContainer = await new GenericContainer("redis:7.2")

  const toxiproxyContainer = await new ToxiProxyContainer().withNetwork(containerNetwork).start();

  // Create the proxy between Toxiproxy and Redis
  const redisProxy = await toxiproxyContainer.createProxy({
    name: "redis",
    upstream: "redis:6379",

  const url = `redis://${}:${redisProxy.port}`;
  const client = await connectTo(url);

  // See for details on the instance interface
  const toxic = await redisProxy.instance.addToxic<TPClient.Latency>({
    attributes: {
      jitter: 50,
      latency: 1500,
    name: "upstream-latency",
    stream: "upstream",
    toxicity: 1, // 1 is 100%
    type: "latency",

  const before =;
  const after =;
  expect(after - before).toBeGreaterThan(1000);

  await toxic.remove();

  await client.disconnect();
  await toxiproxyContainer.stop();
  await redisContainer.stop();

There is also a helper method to enable / disable specific proxy instances (for more fine-grained control instead of using the reset_peer toxic). This can also be done by calling the proxy.instance.update method, however it is more complicated as you'll need to supply the upstream again and the internal listening port.

it("Should enable and disable a proxy", async () => {
  const containerNetwork = await new Network().start();
  const redisContainer = await new GenericContainer("redis:7.2")

  const toxiproxyContainer = await new ToxiProxyContainer().withNetwork(containerNetwork).start();

  // Create the proxy between Toxiproxy and Redis
  const redisProxy = await toxiproxyContainer.createProxy({
    name: "redis",
    upstream: "redis:6379",

  const url = `redis://${}:${redisProxy.port}`;
  const client = await connectTo(url);

  await client.set("key", "val");
  expect(await client.get("key")).toBe("val");

  // Disable any new connections to the proxy
  await redisProxy.setEnabled(false);

  await expect(;

  // Enable the proxy again
  await redisProxy.setEnabled(true);


  await client.disconnect();
  await toxiproxyContainer.stop();
  await redisContainer.stop();


This module was inspired by the Java implementation, and under the hood uses the toxiproxy-node-client.