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Building an image

Build and start your own Docker image:

const { GenericContainer } = require("testcontainers");

const container = await GenericContainer

const startedContainer = await container.start();

Images are built by default with a randomly generated name and are deleted on exit. If you wish to keep the built images between test runs, you can provide a name and specify not to delete the image:

const { GenericContainer } = require("testcontainers");

const container = await GenericContainer
  .build("my-custom-image", { deleteOnExit: false });

With a pull policy

Testcontainers will automatically pull an image if it doesn't exist. This is configurable:

const { GenericContainer, PullPolicy } = require("testcontainers");

const container = await GenericContainer

Create a custom pull policy:

const { GenericContainer, ImagePullPolicy } = require("testcontainers");

class CustomPullPolicy implements ImagePullPolicy {
  public shouldPull(): boolean {
    return true;

const container = await GenericContainer
  .withPullPolicy(new CustomPullPolicy())

With build arguments

const container = await GenericContainer
  .withBuildArgs({ ARG: "VALUE" })

With target

Stop the build at a specific stage by specifying a target:

const container = await GenericContainer

With custom Dockerfile

const container = await GenericContainer
  .fromDockerfile("/path/to/build-context", "my-dockerfile")

Without cache

const container = await GenericContainer

Image name substitution

Testcontainers supports automatic substitution of Docker image names.

This allows replacement of an image name specified in test code with an alternative name - for example, to replace the name of a Docker Hub image dependency with an alternative hosted on a private image registry.

This is advisable to avoid Docker Hub rate limiting, and some companies will prefer this for policy reasons.

You can then configure Testcontainers to apply the prefix to every image that it tries to pull from Docker Hub. This can be done by setting the environment variable